Wednesday 11 September 2013

Three colour blue essay

Three colours blue's opening sequence begins with the sound of an accelerating car, going in and out of tunnels; At first we do not see the car or the car’s wheel but by the sound we understand that it is a car driving down a motorway of some sort, this makes the viewer tense as they don't know what to expect because the car is accelerating so there is a feeling thatsomething bad might happen. In terms of picture we only see the car wheel moving whilst in drive. We then hear a horn which makes the viewer alert (it grabs itsattention), this is because so far we have only heard the car in drive and when we hear the horn we expect something to happen even though nothing has changedin the picture. The movie then follows to ablue chocolate wrapper being waved around by what looks like a child's hand and we know it is a wrapper not only by the way it looks but by the scrunching sound of the wind hitting the wrapper. The colour of the wrapper could be related to the name of the movie .We know that waving a chocolate wrapper on the wind is the doing of a child as only a child would do such things if they were bored. When we go into the long tunnel we see a POV shot which shows us what the child is seeing, we know it is the child's POV because; we have not been introduce toany other characters yet and before the POV shot we see a brief shot of the girl inside the car, when we see the POV shot we understand the little girl is tired; as the sound is slightly distorted as if the person is falling asleep and also the view isbecomes blurry. The next thing we see is the car has stopped so that the little girl can have a break out of the car to urinate; it is here we assume we see the father as a man from behind the wheel gets out of the car and stretches. The next shot is the dripping of the breaks and hear the mother (but we don't see her) call for her daughter.  Whilst the dripping is stillhappening we see the daughter running back this could mean that there could be an accident and the little girl who has been the focus up till now might die. Then we hear from afar a car beeping; we as the viewer assume that it is the same car as before and because we have seen the breaks drip we start to guess what is going to happen next; also there is a fog and thiscan contribute to the car crash as they wouldn't be able to see anything properly. When the car passes and hits the tree we do by see as we already guessed what has happened,  all we know is that the car has crashed into something as we hear a big smash. Then when we are shown the car we see that the guesses of a crash came to happen.

1 comment:

Mr H said...

Well done Melina. An excellent start. You are thinking deeply already about what you view and attempt to explain in detail how meaning is being created with image and sound.

ebi the next step is to deepen that analysis further through a more varied use of media language and terminology much of which will be learnt in class and through your own home study.

Please try and change the viewability of your profile again. It can be done.