Thursday 12 September 2013

Children Of Men Analysis

Children Of Men is based on the future where people can no longer reproduce.
from the clip we saw, we only saw 3 cuts, the camera mostly followed the main character (Clive Owen)  instead of cutting constantly, the camera did a 180 degree on character while he was putting alcohol in his cup. in the clip we saw there were only a few type of shots, MLS, LS and MS. when we saw the town we saw that there were Tv's on the building and moving adverts on buses - this proves that this film based on the future because we do not have such thing yet. we also saw the town was very polluted and looked slightly dark, this symbolises that times have changed, also the sky was not blue but more yellow which could suggest that not ono is there a lot of pollution and pollution has become a big problem but nothing is being done about. in terms of design everyone seemed to be in work clothing and the streets were very busy, which could suggest the population of people that remain still have to work.

Diegtec sound:
there was diegtec sound such as the news report having sad music behind the story to mark the last young persons death. also the sound of cars and people crying at the report were there.
also the reported sounded slightly emotional when reading the report

Sound FX:
there were some sound fx used such as the bomb going off and the buses and cars driving past

the design of the street is set out to show that we are in 2027 because there is televisions on building and the streets are busy and the colour of the sky is different.




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