Tuesday 10 September 2013

Three Colour Blue Questions

Q:Which shot do you think is most powerful in the telling of the story?
A: I think the most powerful shot is the leaking of the brakes as it shows us what the future holds and what is going to happen (we know before they do) so this makes us as the tense.

Q: Which shots establish who the characters are?
A: The shots that established the characters are the medium close-up/close-up of the child at the back of the car. The medium shot of who we assume is the father stretching. We don't really see the mother but we hear her call her daughter when she goes to Urinate.

Q: What is the name of the little girl?
A: Dianna

Q: Do we see the mother?
A: No but we hear her voice when she calls out for her daughter

Q: Is sound more powerful than picture or the other way around?
A: I believe both are important but sound is what makes the picture powerful as Listening without the picture you wonder what has happened e.g when we heard a car horn we thought something had happened.
It gives the picture a whole new level 

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